Three Guys Named Moe

Created by Jacqui 3 years ago

Dawn was the first person I met at Plessey in Northampton. The ‘Oracle’  There wasn't anything she didn't know or how to do about the place. She was very impressive.

How our friendship began.

There was three of us. Although this extended to five on occasions, really it was us three. Each of us finding our way, young, free, single and all looking for something. 

I (Wacky) don't remember how it came to be but I invited ‘Prawn' (Dawn of course), Burr (Lesley) for a Friday night out in Milton Keynes. They both arrived on a Friday night for what was meant to be one night out on the MK town. So much fun and laughter meant we spent the entire weekend socialising and we all drove to work together on Monday morning!

A lasting friendship was formed in just two days!

What followed has become the most precious of memories. Just writing and recalling this now – makes me smile and fills me with joy. I share just a small fraction of our best times. 

An all-girls Spanish holiday – Days spent lounging at the Pirate Bar by the pool in the sweltering heat, listening to endless replays of Lionel Richie (this changed my view of Lionel and I still love him even now). Spanish meals of  Paella and Bacardi and coke. Of course reckless nights in the discos. And midnight feasts of Oscar Pate on Toast.

Cinders nights – with all dance moves choreographed and directed by Dawn, of course. Madonna moves and New York, New York routines to name a few.

Canal Barge Boat weekends – dancing on the roof of the barge to Joe Jackson's Jumping Jive whilst navigating the Grand Union and forcing my brother to deliver supplies because we had run out of food! 

Cheap play nights at the Royal Theatre sitting on wooden benches in the gods. Watching plays like Blood Brothers and An Inspector Calls. Followed by midnight curries in Bridge Street.

Music so much of it. Joe Jackson (Five Guys Named Moe), Simple Minds (MK Bowl), The Waterboys, a short trip to Edinburgh courtesy of Burr's company car. Getting stuck in the car park all night at Knebworth after the last Queen concert. And dancing around the car in London to Tears for Fears on the day of the first London Marathon.

So many wonderful days and nights of fun. laughter, dancing and music. 

This amazing time with the three of us only lasted just over two years. I do not remember a crossword, just love and support. Not very long in each of our lives.

Of course, when the time was right, things changed we each had new directions, but our forever friendship was never diminished by distance, new friends, partners and family, new jobs and many many different locations and homes. 

Dawn met Geoff. Gennie, much loved, blessed them with her arrival. Dawn became the most amazing Mum and, most surprising to us girls, a very accomplished pub cook! 

Dawn steered our little band of three until we each find a new way.

Dawn, you are always warmly remembered – my forever friend. And already missed.